
How to Drink Pornstar Martini? Many drinkers immediately start pouring Champagne…

According to the story, we’re traveling back in the mid-1870s. Dr. Ian Marshall made the first Manhattan cocktail ever…

The paper plane cocktail has a sweet, fruity flavor, with a slight bitterness from the Aperol and amaro.

Everybody is talking now about Negroni Sbagliato Cocktail. Probably heard about Negroni, but what is Sbagliato?

Classic Negroni Cocktail is made of equal parts of gin, red (sweet) vermouth, and Campari.

It’s all about simplicity with a dash of elegance and finesse. Nowadays, Old Fashioned Cocktail is the bar standard…

The original Hemingway Daiquiri Cocktail was created after he tried the frozen one and asked the…

We could say that crema is the key. Well, we shouldn’t overlook other ingredients. Espresso Martini recipe:

We can say that the key is in simplicity, pairing the right ingredients.

You are not sure about which Halloween drinks to prepare for your party? We prepared simple cocktails for you.

Each of the three cocktails presented below starts out with an Antique Pelinkovac.

This cocktail offers both, refreshing notes as well as the possibility to awaken your pleasure senses.

Our good friend and a really skilled bartender with over seven years of experience prepared this creamy explosion of flavors.

Whether you heard about how tasty is an Amaretto Sour or your…

Yuzu Negroni represents a delightful and citrusy sensation.

Jungle Bird has multiple levels of taste sensations. Campari plays with sweet…

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