Old Pal Cocktail

If you are wondering how to make the Old Pal Cocktail then you are at the right place. Furthermore, you are enamored in easy-to-make cocktails, your motto is “keep it simple”, or maybe you just prefer classic cocktails. Anyway, keep on reading to find out some historical facts about the Old Pal.
Your’s first impression on the Old Pal cocktail probably was: this looks quite familiar to me! Well, that’s because it looks like a Negroni cocktail and the pattern for preparing is similar. But, when it comes to flavors, they are a bit different, which creates different mouthfeels and aftertastes.
In essence, the same thing is with Boulevardier, which is also a variant of the Old Pal in some way. Basically, that means both of the classics are Campari cocktails. Similarly, the base of Boulevardier is Bourbon, combined with Campari and Sweet Vermouth.
Harry McElhone is the Prohibition-era bartender and creator of the Old Pal Cocktail. He dedicated this three ingredients mixture to Wiliam Robinson, the sportswriter and a guy who called everyone “old pal”.
The main character of our story – Harry, published his recipe way back in 1922, and the original was slightly different from the modern version. In his book, Harry’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails, he says that ingredients are the following: equal parts of Canadian Whiskey, Campari, and Dry Vermouth.
Finally, we can say that the key is in simplicity, pairing the right ingredients.
Here is the Old Pal Cocktail recipe:
30 ml of Rye Whiskey
30 ml of Campari
30 ml of Dry Vermouth
Simply, put all ingredients into a mixing glass filled with ice. Stir steadily for around 30 seconds until your mixture is well chilled. Strain it into chilled glass.
Serve in:
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